Go Big, Or Go/Stay Home!
Admittedly, we’re mixing up our modern metaphors/memes here, but you get the drift. The implication being, if you don’t go big/large, then you might as well go/stay home, etc.
Can You Explain More?....
You know Wirral Custom Campers.
We never stand still.
We like to keep ourselves busy and challenged with the in-house builds we undertake. Which we actively engage in around all the on-going customer briefs we facilitate on a weekly basis.

Our campervan conversion ambitions know no limits either. And while Volkswagen Transporters are our staple diet, we love nothing more than to diversify our interests. And ambitions in the campervan conversion world don’t come much loftier than a Volkswagen Crafter. The big daddy of the Veedub camper-possible catalogue.
So, perhaps it’s no surprise to learn that we’re creating our very own/first Volkswagen Crafter campervan conversion ground-up build. An absolute behemoth of a physical undertaking which requires taller scaffolding than the Eiffel Tower.

Having The Proverbial ‘Large One’....
Our bespoke ground-up build is starting to take shape now.
And will continue to do so over the coming weeks, as we progress the campervan conversion process. The one we’re well versed with. Only on a significantly larger footing at this time of asking.
The insulating, electrical wiring, boarding out, marking out of kitchen, shower room and bedroom are all more sizable undertakings than previously, on account of the sheer scale of the Crafter conversion. Not to mention the head for heights the team quickly had to find when fitting a Skyline Roofs’ pop-top way up there.
Of course, the finished conversion is going to look absolutely awesome. Like all our hitherto Volkswagen Transporter campervan conversions have done. And testament to the skilled team of coachbuilders we have in our ranks.

Where Can I See This Latest Build As Work In Progress?
Across our social media channels.
Where you’ll observe pretty much daily updates as to the build and its continuation. Follow the #KingKrafterKonversion hashtag to keep updated with the very latest snippets of news on this. Our biggest, boldest, baddest VW campervan conversion project to date.
To talk through YOUR personal campervan conversion brief, please don't hesitate to contact us through the normal channels of communication.
And in the meantime, watch us as we big up the biggest of campervans in our business. A go-anywhere Veedub Crafter conversion which can easily accommodate ALL of your adventures! And then some.....